A weekend workshop will be scheduled for October 2013.
Limit of 8 people. Participants must bring their own laptops with Photoshop loaded on it.
Discover the masterpiece hidden in your digital image! Adobe Photoshop is the most powerful program available that will help you get that ‘WOW’ factor in your photos.
Photo by Trina Koster
Level: This introductory level workshop is designed for photo enthusiasts with little or no experience in adjusting photos who wish to learn the basics of photo editing, who are willing to spend 15 minutes to enhance a special photo.
What You'll Learn:
Understanding photoshops layout, it's core features and tools; Understanding layers, making selections and masks, retouching your portraits. Also, adjusting the tones, contrast and colour of specific areas of your image, using levels, curves, colour balance, etc.
There will be take-home assignments to help deepen your understanding of the concepts presented and provide valuable feedback. By the end of the course you will have a greater awareness of how to take your images to the next level!
Instructor: Karen Hall is Trina Koster's "Photoshop Queen". Karen is a graduate of Sheridan College's photography department and has been Trina's production manager and main digital photo retoucher since 2004.
Requirements: A laptop with a copy of photoshop CS3 or newer (A 30-day demo version is available from Adobe.com, however this won't last the whole course as it's more than 30 days long, so it is recommended that you have the full version installed on your computer).
" I came into the course with very litle knowledge about the program and the feature it offers. I now feel more confident in my abilities to use the program to adjust my images to my satisfaction, and have learned many helpful tips along the way!
" I came into the course with very litle knowledge about the program and the feature it offers. I now feel more confident in my abilities to use the program to adjust my images to my satisfaction, and have learned many helpful tips along the way!
Dana MacIntrye- Intro to Photoshop, Winter 2011
"All the hand outs were great and the time in class to work on images."
Tanya Wright- Intro to Photoshop, Winter 2011